Instagram und TikTok für Unternehmen: Wie Online-Händler die 10 aktuellsten Instagram Reels- und TikTok-Trends für sich und ihre Produkte nutzen können
Tuesday, 7 May 2024
Latori GmbH

Instagram and TikTok for businesses: How online retailers can capitalise on the 10 latest Instagram Reels and TikTok trends for themselves and their products

Social media is now a relevant part of your customers' everyday lives. As an online retailer, you have of course long known that online marketing is a key pillar of your marketing strategy and that you can reach your target group exactly where they are anyway. You may also have long realised that TikTok marketing and Instagram marketing are important levers for increasing your reach, addressing customers directly and generating new traffic sources.

With new TikTok and Instagram trends springing up almost daily, it can quickly become a problem for you to keep up with developments. That's why we present the latest trends clearly in this article and show you how you can use TikTok and Instagram to market your products.

By the way: This article will be updated regularly with the latest trends - bookmark it and come back to this article.

Do you need support with your Shopify shop? As Shopify Plus experts, we will be happy to assist you and help you customise your shop to meet these requirements. Get in touch with us. 

Social media marketing: the most important definitions

Social media marketing offers you a whole range of opportunities to generate more traffic, conversions and ultimately more sales. However, if you are just getting into the subject, it is important to know the most important definitions first.

What is social media marketing (SMM)?

Social media icons on the mobile phone screen

As part of online marketing, the focus here is on marketing via social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin or TikTok. This form of marketing encompasses all tactical and strategic measures for communicating company messages, interacting with users and generating visitors for your own website.

In recent years, this branch of marketing has experienced huge growth. Almost all major companies are represented on at least one platform.

SMM can support you in the following ways:

  • Increase reach and brand awareness

  • Increase visibility of the online shop

  • Direct contact with customers and potential new customers

  • Increase trust and customer satisfaction

  • Generate traffic for your own shop

  • Expand brand image

  • Attract new target groups

There is now a large selection of social media platforms, but you don't have to be present on every one of them. The most important thing is that you use the platforms on which your target group spends time. It can therefore be crucial that you carry out a target group analysis and customer segmentation from the outset.

Reading tip: In this article you will find a detailed guide for your social media marketing.

What is TikTok marketing?

TikTok is particularly popular with the younger target group (millennials and Gen Z) - more than half of users are under 25 years old. The content consists of short video clips that are usually edited with effects, sounds and filters. At TikTok, the focus is on creativity and spontaneity. It is not about highly professional video formats, but about authentic posts with humour and at the same time the seemingly casual integration of brand, product and co.

TikTok marketing encompasses all measures on TikTok to promote a brand, product or service. This includes various tactics such as influencer marketing, TikTok ads and the creation of organic content. Marketing via TikTok can help you, for example, to increase brand awareness, sell products and services or obtain feedback from customers and the target group.

What is Instagram marketing?

Simply put, Instagram marketing is the way a company posts, behaves and interacts on Instagram to increase brand awareness, gain followers and drive sales.

More than half of users are under the age of 35 and therefore belong to the millennial generation. Content published on Instagram can be shared in the form of posts (images), Instagram stories (images or videos that disappear after 24 hours) or Instagram reels (short video clips, similar to TikTok), for example. Another option are adverts that you can place directly on Instagram.

What is the best way to sell products via Instagram & TikTok?

a woman records a video of herself

Marketing products via social media is no longer a trend, but has developed into an important pillar of e-commerce. It is important that you know your target group and know how to address them authentically. After all, consumers are not necessarily looking for something on social media, but are rather inspired by suitable products in their personal social media environment.

In this section, we will introduce you to the most important ways in which you can market products on Instagram and TikTok.

Reading tip: Customer segmentation can help you to get to know your customers better. We show you how it works in this article.

Market products on TikTok

If you haven't already done so, download the TikTok app and create a business account. A business account gives you access to the TikTok Business Centre and thus to analyses, ads, TikTok Sounds and the Creative Hub, which provides users with instructions on current content and best practices.

In Germany, however, business accounts do not yet have access to the TikTok Shop function. In future, followers will be able to browse through their products and make purchases without leaving the app. A launch was already planned for 2022, but has so far been put on hold. Following a successful launch in Asia, however, a new global rollout of the feature is planned - but we can only speculate as to when exactly this will happen.

Reading tip: How mobile commerce works.

Create your own TikTok videos

Before you start creating video content, you should first invest some time in familiarising yourself with the app. It's important to keep up with the latest trends - you'll find these further down in this article.

Once you feel confident, it's time to start creating. Some key tips to keep in mind are:

  • Create engaging content: On TikTok, it's important to immediately captivate your audience within the first 3 seconds. Otherwise, users will scroll straight to the next video.

  • Be authentic: Avoid being overtly promotional in your videos. Rather try to entertain your viewers (with a few references to your product, of course).

  • Create a challenge: If you invite users to take part in a TikTok challenge (a type of challenge to which users respond with their own videos). Don't forget to create a hashtag specifically for your challenge.

  • Ensure originality: You should not simply imitate other creators, but rather create original content that is unique.

In general, it is important on TikTok that you consistently create content and interact with your audience. This means you should create a schedule for video uploads to ensure that you deliver new content regularly. If you receive comments, you should focus on dialogue - this will build trust and allow you to respond directly to customer feedback. Another plus point: interaction in the comments makes the algorithm aware of your account.

‍Work together with influencers

By working with the right influencers, your brand can reach a much larger audience. When looking for a suitable influencer, make sure they are a good fit for your brand. For example, if you sell beauty products, your company could be a good fit with influencers who share make-up tutorials. You can start your search in the TikTok Creator Marketplace, for example, where you can discover creators quickly and easily.

Promote user-generated content

With viral products on TikTok, most of the time the attention comes from videos of customers who love the product and not just from paid advertising. You can incentivise this process by asking customers to share videos of themselves using or talking about the product. This form of content is known as User Generated Content (UGC).

Reading tip: Find out how to increase customer satisfaction in this article.

Use adverts on TikTok

Paid advertising is another option you can use to promote your products on TikTok. The adverts appear when scrolling between organic content - this can be effective as the adverts blend in with other TikTok videos. To run ads on TikTok, you must have a business account.

Tip: Check out TikTok's Small Business Resource Centre for helpful tips to get you started.

Market products on Instagram

Two women are taking a selfie

Instagram is a popular platform for discovering new products - a full 60% of users stated that they had already discovered new products via Instagram, and 72% stated that they had already purchased products via Instagram (source: Kinsta).

However, you don't necessarily have to advertise on the platform. You can use the following strategies to market on Instagram:

Instagram Reels

Instagram reels are Instagram's reaction to the TikTok hype. If you want to increase your reach, you should post reels regularly - the Instagram algorithm will probably reward this. The short videos on Instagram follow a different algorithm than content shared in the feed.

However, the algorithm aims to keep users on the platform for longer. Therefore, reels on the same topic are grouped together - this offers you a great opportunity as your reels are automatically suggested to new users if they are already viewing similar content.

Reading tip: Find out how social selling works in social media.

Use hashtags

Hashtags can be compared to the so-called keywords from the SEO area. Users can find your content with the help of these tags. They consist of terms that are associated with your product.

It is best to use a good mix of hashtags with a high, medium and low search volume. You can find hashtags via your competitors' posts, for example.

Use a call-to-action (CTA) in the image descriptions

Your image description should always contain a convincing message. In this, you should convince your customers to find out more or click on a link in your bio. Use a call-to-action so that users actually take an action. This allows you to collect new leads that you can later convert into paying customers.

Latori customer Asphaltgold uses a CTA in its image description to encourage customers to read a blog post.

Place a link including a CTA in your bio

Most users first look at a brand's bio when they are interested in a product. Therefore, you should definitely place a link to your online shop or app here.

Latori customer LFDY encourages its customers to install the new LFDY app in its bio.

Instagram Live

The Instagram Live function is perfect for offering short webinars or presenting products, for example. A live stream also reaches more users than a normal post, as Instagram users are informed about your live stream.

Share Instagram stories

When you post stories, users will see your logo as a bubble at the top of the screen and can access the story with just one click.

In your story, you can either include a direct link to a website or product or offer viewers a behind-the-scenes look at your company to strengthen customer loyalty. Sharing practical tips is another way to offer customers added value.

Reading tip: Instagram and TikTok marketing is particularly suitable for the D2C sector. You can find out more about direct-to-consumer in this article.

Instagram Ads

You can use Instagram ads to increase your reach and also influence sales. The ads are displayed on Instagram like normal posts and only differ in principle by a CTA that appears on the post.

What options does Shopify offer for social media marketing?

In the Shopify App Store, you will find many apps to help you expand your social media strategy. In this section, we present 4 apps that are useful for product marketing on TikTok and Instagram.


Socialwidget app in Shopify app store

Would you like to seamlessly integrate your social media presence into your Shopify shop? With Socialwidget, you can do just that. This app offers fully customisable, shoppable Instagram widgets and TikTok video feeds. This allows you to integrate Instagram feeds into your shop and sell directly from the posts. This way, you turn your social media content into engaging product presentations.


  • Free plan & 14-day trial

  • Standard ($9.90/month)

  • Professional ($19.90/month)

  • Advanced ($49.90/month)

Reading tip: How to use omnichannel for Shopify.


Outfy app in Shopify app store

With Outfy, you can automate your content and share it on different platforms. With a free plan and a free trial, you can start automating your posts right away.

Outfy offers a variety of features for Shopify and social media marketing, including automated creation of engaging content, automated posting to platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube and Twitter, and AI-driven scheduling for strategic posts.


  • Free plan

  • Starter ($20/month)

  • Pro ($40/month)

  • Ultimate ($70/month)


Linkpop app in Shopify app store

The Linkpop app offers a customisable link-in-bio tool that allows you to curate content, analyse traffic and sell products via a shareable link.

As a public app, Linkpop is a simple and popular solution for businesses. Linkpop offers direct access in the Shopify admin area and is available in different languages.


  • Free of charge

Archive Instagram & TikTok UGC

Archive Instagram & TikTok UGC in Shopify App Store

Want to get the most out of your Instagram and TikTok UGC? Archive allows you to automatically detect, download and organise content where your brand is tagged.


  • Free plan

  • Starter ($29/month)

  • Pro ($99/month)

Reading tip: In this article, we present the 15 best Shopify apps.

New trends emerge almost daily on TikTok and Instagram that you can utilise for your TikTok videos or Instagram reels. You should note that trends also depend on the respective For You Page or the respective interests on Instagram and can vary slightly from user to user. However, viral TikTok and Instagram trends emerge time and again.

Finally, we would like to introduce you to 10 current TikTok trends that you can also use for Instagram reels. We'll also give you tips on how you can use the trends to market your products and get started with Shopify and social media marketing.

This list will be updated regularly. (Current status: May 2024)

1. "I'd rather take my whiskey neat" trend

In this trend, two photos with this sound are posted on TikTok. The first photo shows a thing, a person or something similar from the past. The second slide shows a photo of the same thing or person that is subjectively perceived as more appealing. The whole thing also works as a video, of course, by editing a before and after video together and adding the soundtrack.

Link to TikTok example

How can you utilise the trend?

  • If you have reworked a product and now want to bring it back onto the market in a new form, this trend is a good way to present your product.

  • If you have just celebrated a great success in the company, you can also celebrate this with this sound.

  • For example, if you sell a product from the skincare sector, you can use this trend to show before and after pictures of how the product affects the skin.

  • Share customer reviews or feedback that highlight the improvements or changes to your products or services over time. This can help build customer trust in your brand.

2. "These Words" sound

Under this currently viral sound, users on TikTok and Instagram share people or things that make them particularly happy. The text is always similar here, for example: "You're not sad, you just need a sunny day in the park." (You're not really sad, you just need a sunny day in the park).

Link to TikTok example

How can you use the trend?

  • You can use this trend to subliminally advertise a campaign or product. In other words, you can use this sound to subtly show users that your product makes them happy.

  • Are you currently planning a discount promotion or a limited drop? You can also announce this in the video. For example, write "You're not sad, you just need some new shoes" and share a video of the promotion.

  • Stage scenes that symbolise moments of happiness in your customers' lives. This could mean presenting your products in a relaxed environment such as a sunny park or a cosy home to show how they can contribute to well-being.

3. "Mysterious Girl" trend

In this trend, a short video is edited together from two frequencies. The first shows a version of the person you would like to be (e.g. reserved, mysterious) with the caption "me wanting to be that mysterious girl but this is my personality" and the second shows the "real" version of your personality (often more extroverted and loud).

Link to TikTok example

How can you utilise the trend?

  • With this trend, you can give your customers a look behind the scenes of your company, for example. In the first frequency, for example, show a recording from a professional meeting where everything runs smoothly. In the second, show minor funny mistakes that happen in everyday working life (of course, you should never appear unprofessional here). TikTok is a platform where authenticity and humour are popular - you can demonstrate this in this way.

  • Present your products in an elegant and mysterious setting, followed by a humorous presentation of their practical use in everyday life. This can help to show the functionality of your products in an entertaining way.

4. "First One to Move" trend

This trend shows two people engaged in a silent battle of wills. The person who moves first has to fulfil a challenge (such as cooking dinner). The two people try everything to make the other person lose.

Link to TikTok example

How can you capitalise on the trend?

  • Show your employees in a fun challenge where they try to outdo each other. This can help show your company's personality and encourage employee engagement.

  • Invite influencers or personalities to take part in your challenge to increase the reach of your content and reach new audiences.

5. "Nobody Knows Me" trend

This viral sound is currently being used by users worldwide to show a person or thing they love and feel connected to (in most cases in a humorous way).

Link to TikTok example

How can you utilise the trend?

  • The sound often includes videos of work colleagues showing their "favourite colleagues". Use the trend, for example, to show the diversity of employees in your company. (For example, colleagues from different departments or different age groups)

  • You can also use the trend to market your product. Show how the product solves a problem or why customers should love it.

6. "16 For Ever" trend

Under this sound, users show themselves at a certain age, e.g. 16, with a text overlay in the format " "Start to wish you could've been ___ forever" and the second photo shows something they loved at that age and won't get back, together with the text overlay "cuz you know your favourite band ain't getting back together".

Link to TikTok example

How can you capitalise on the trend?

  • Has your company been around for a while? Then you could use this TikTok trend to share a memory of your company's start-up phase, for example. A pinch of humour doesn't hurt here either. Perhaps you have a funny memory of the early days? This is the perfect place to share it with your followers.

  • Encourage your customers to take part in the trend by sharing their own nostalgic memories using products from your shop. This can create an emotional connection to your brand and strengthen the community.

7. "You Wouldn't Last an Hour in the Asylum Where They Raised Me" trend

To this sound, users post two photos in a carousel, the second of which shows a challenging place where you used to spend your time (ideally an experience that someone can relate to).

Link to TikTok example

How can you use the trend?

  • Similar to the previous trend, you can also share funny experiences from the initial phase of your company here.

  • Problems that may have arisen during the product development phase can also be shared here in a humorous way. This also plays into your hands in terms of authenticity.

8. "Sad Hamster" trend

In this trend, a picture carousel is usually posted with this sound, showing a situation in which one would be scared/sad/hurt (in a humorous way). The second photo shows the sad hamster from the example with small details depicting the scene.

Link to TikTok example

How can you use the trend?

  • For example, you can share scenes from everyday working life in the company where something has gone wrong (of course without appearing unprofessional and with a pinch of humour).

  • You could also use the trend to show a problem that your product solves. The sad hamster could represent a customer who has the problem or does not yet own the product.

  • Share humorous customer reviews or comments that use the "Sad Hamster" trend to show how your product has improved the lives of your customers. This can help build trust in your brand and convince potential customers that your product is a good investment.

9. "Blue Monday" trend

This trend is reminiscent of the old battle games from the early 2000s. In videos for this sound, two people pretend to fight each other as if they were combat characters in a two-dimensional battle game. During the fight, each punch is followed by a caption representing the point of view of the two people as they try to settle their dispute.

Link to TikTok example

How can you capitalise on the trend?

  • Introduce products from your range and let them "compete" against each other. For example, two different types of sneakers or handbags could compete against each other in a dance duel, with the moves and style preferences of the products humorously displayed.

  • Show the behind-the-scenes process of creating your product in a humorous way. This could mean, for example, that different departments of your company are in a dance duel to show who contributes the most to product development.

10. "I'll Be ___ in X Years" trend

In this TikTok trend, two photos are shared with this sound. The first photo shows the users at a much younger age with the text overlay "I'll be X Years in X Years" and the second photo shows the users now with the text overlay "I'll be X Years in X Months".

Link to TikTok example

How can you capitalise on the trend?

  • Show the development of one of your products over time. Use the trend format to show what the product looked like a few years ago and how it has evolved over time, right up to the current version. This can be an interesting way to showcase the quality and innovation of your products.

  • Use the trend to take a look back at the history of your company. Show pictures from your beginnings as a startup or of milestones in your company's development and compare them with current shots to show how far you've come.


TikTok and Instagram offer a multitude of opportunities for companies to market their products and reach their target audience. By utilising current trends, you can make your content interesting and appealing and attract the attention of your target group.

If you are not yet active on TikTok or Instagram, you should consider doing so and adapt your marketing strategy accordingly. The platforms offer a wide reach and allow you to target your audience and generate new traffic sources.

As Shopify Plus experts, we will be happy to assist you and help you adapt your shop to the requirements of TikTok and Instagram. Get in touch with us.

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