Salesforce auf Deutsch umstellen
Wednesday 14 March 2018
Latori GmbH

Switch Salesforce to German

There are 2 language settings in Salesforce: First, the general default language of the company and second, the personal language of a user. The default language of the company determines in which language texts, buttons, labels, etc. appear for all users. With the personal language, each user can override this setting for himself and thus determine in which language he would like to see the Salesforce interface. In the following we will show you how to change the general default language of the company as well as the personal language of a user.

If you need help with settings in your online store, feel free to contact us.

Change the default language of the company in Salesforce

  1. Log in as a user with the Administrator role and click Setup.

  2. Search for "Company Information" in the Quick Find search box.

  3. Click on "Company Information" to access your company settings

  4. Select German in the Default Language dropdown and save (Save button at the bottom)

Change a user's personal language in Salesforce

  1. Click on your profile picture

  2. Click on Settings in the menu that opens

  3. Search for "Language & Time Zone" in the Quick Find search box.

  4. Click on "Language & Time Zone

  5. Select German for Language

  6. Save with Save

Do you need further help? We will be happy to help you. Contact us

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