Shop Usability Award 2023: Latori ist Agentur des Jahres!
Tuesday 19 September 2023
Latori GmbH

Shop Usability Award 2023: Latori is agency of the year 2023!

"If you don't move with the times, you move with the times". In hardly any other field is this quote as true as in e-commerce. Simply placing one's own products on a website so that they can be found to some extent is no longer enough: User-friendliness, known in the trade as store usability, has become a significant success factor. At the Shop Usability Award 2023, retailers from a wide range of sectors can demonstrate their usability skills. Find out what the award is all about and which Latori customers you can vote for this year in this blog post.

You want to make sure that your store is fit for the next Shop Usability Award? Feel free to contact us and we will help you out.

What is the Shop Usability Award?

The Shop Usability Award has been presented annually since 2008 and is an initiative of K5 GmbH. The award is one of the most prestigious e-commerce awards in Germany. Every year, over 700 participants compete for the usability crown. The best five stores in each category are nominated. A jury of e-commerce experts then selects the winner in a final round. Stores and agencies can register via K5 Shop Insights.

What are the Shop Usability Award categories?

The following categories are available for the Shop Usability Award:

  • Electronics & Entertainment

  • Family & Kids

  • Fashion & Accessories

  • FMCG

  • Food & Delivery

  • Home & Living

  • Luxury & Lifestyle

  • Special Interest

  • Sports & Leisure

Stores can also choose from these special categories:

  • Startup

  • B2B

  • Brands & D2C

  • Omnichannel

  • Mobile Experience

  • Sustainability

Agencies can also qualify to receive an award in the special category Agency of the Year. However, agencies cannot apply for this - they qualify by submitting at least 5 stores. The winner is then determined by the ratings.

What criteria are used for judging?

Participants will be judged according to four store usability criteria on a scale of 0.0 to 10.0. These are:

  • Design

  • Usability

  • Creativity

  • Storytelling

All candidates are presented on the community platform www./, where they are scrutinized by both users and a team of experts. For store operators, the Shop Usability Award is therefore an important benchmark for finding out which points of their own sales platform are already convincing and where improvements can still be made.

Agency of the Year - Latori's success at the Shop Usability Award

Latori Agency of the YearWe can't believe it yet: "Agency of the Year 2023". A title we are only too happy to hold. We are proud and grateful that we were able to prevail against the great competition and win the title, which we accepted in person at the Gloria Palast in Munich.

A big thank you goes to K5 and the Shop Usability Award for organizing this wonderful event.

Of course, this success would not have been possible without the right team. We would therefore like to thank our entire Latori team, who were as committed and hard-working as ever last year. We are highly motivated to give our all for our customers again next year!

These online stores and Latori customers are taking part in the Shop Usability Award 2023

🏆 Asphaltgold

asphaltgoldThe Asphaltgold online store regularly makes the hearts of sneaker fans beat faster. Founded in Darmstadt in 2008, the brand has since become one of the first places to go for all sneaker enthusiasts. In its online store, the brand relies on detailed product information, storytelling, high-quality images and smooth order processing. Another important component of the store is the mobile-first strategy. Customers can access the store anytime and anywhere - either via the browser or via the brand's own shopping app. In the app, users also have the opportunity to participate in raffles to win the right to buy limited-edition sneakers. Asphaltgold secured victory in the Fashion & Accessories category.

🏆 Sennheiser

The Sennheiser online store is a place where audio enthusiasts and professionals can find high-quality products and receive first-class service. The special feature: The company relied on headless commerce from the very beginning. The store's responsive design is designed to ensure an optimal shopping experience on a variety of devices. Regardless of whether you visit the store on a desktop computer, a tablet or a smartphone, the store automatically adapts to the screen size in videos, images and descriptions. The online store also impresses with intuitive menu navigation, bold accent colors and expressive product photos. Sennheiser leaves the competition behind in the Electronics & Entertainment category and takes first place.


SHEKO is also a startup that specializes in the area of feel-good food. The range includes products such as SHEKO shakes, supplements and corresponding accessories. A special feature that sets the SHEKO store apart from the competition is the integrated calorie calculator. After entering their data, users receive their calculated requirements for proteins, carbohydrates and more. The company also attaches great importance to education and the transfer of knowledge. Therefore, store visitors can find important information on the topic of healthy weight loss in the SHEKO Guide. In order to then be able to implement this, the brand also offers its users an extensive recipe book with many recipes to re-cook. SHEKO secured victory in the FCMG category.

You need the help of experts to make your store fit for the Shop Usability Award? We are happy to help! Simply get in touch with us.

Frequently asked questions about the Shop Usability Award

What is the Shop Usability Award?

The Shop Usability Award is an annual award presented by K5 GmbH. It honors online stores in Germany for their outstanding usability and user experience.

Who can participate in the Shop Usability Award?

All online stores can participate, regardless of their size or industry. There are different categories to ensure that different types of online stores have the opportunity to be awarded.

How does the evaluation for the Shop Usability Award work?

The evaluation is done by a panel of experts as well as a user jury consisting of online shoppers. The criteria for evaluation include usability, design, information content, security and mobile capability.

What are the benefits of participating in the Shop Usability Award?

The award can boost customer confidence and increase the credibility of the online store. It can also help increase the visibility and success of the store.

Is there a fee for participation?

Yes, there is a fee to participate in the Shop Usability Award. The exact fees vary depending on the category and the time of registration. For registration in only one category, a fee of 149 euros plus VAT is due.

When and how can I register for the Shop Usability Award?

Registration for the Shop Usability Award takes place online on the official website. The exact registration deadlines and categories are available there. This year, the registration deadline is October 14.

How can I improve the usability of my store?

To improve the usability of your online store, you should conduct user tests, take your customers' feedback into account, drive mobile optimization, and continuously monitor and optimize usability.

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Shop Usability Award
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Shop Usability Award Winner 2023